Give it all away

Take a look real quick at Luke 12:13-21.  What conclusion do you come up with after reading this parable about how we are to use our money, etc…?  Okay, go to Luke 18:18-25…what conclusion can you draw from this teaching?

GIVE IT ALL AWAY!!!  That seems to be the major theme between these two lessons from Luke, and for a good portion of the Gospels as well it might seem.  But, what about supporting your family?  What about enjoying life?  What about saving for future calamities?  What about X, Y or Z?

I think we quickly miss the point here when we jump to the conclusion that we are supposed to give it all away.  I’m not denying the power in Jesus’ words here though.  Maybe we do actually need to give it all away.   But, we need to consider why He said this.

What was keeping the rich man from following Christ?  His wealth and power would be lost…the very things he had sought after most of his life, the very things he trusted to bring him through.  Instead of praising God for His many blessings and trusting He would bring him through, the rich man was trusting in his wealth.  The reason Jesus told him to give it all away was because that was the only way the rich man was going to be able to see God.  Otherwise, his wealth was going to always impair his vision.

So, what does that mean for us?  Is there something that is blocking our vision from seeing and following Christ as He has redeemed us to do?  Maybe that is money.  If so, do you need to give it all away to clear your vision?  Where do you put your trust for the future?  In your retirement plan, or in the talents God has given you to always be able to serve, or in God Himself to provide your daily bread?

Do you see the subtle change of direction there?  It’s not saying to waste your money while you’re here because you can’t take it with you when you die.  Nor is it saying to store it all away (Luke 12:13-21) for the “rainy day” that may come.  And it’s certainly not saying trust in the talents God has given you to provide, it’s saying trust God to provide, and pray for His guidance to use His blessings in a pleasing manner to Him.

He is the One that sees us through every minute of every day.  He is the One that never leaves us or forsakes us.  He is the One who is always providing.  Which is why Jesus immediately follows the parable of the rich fool with a teaching on not worrying.  Luke 12:22-34.  It actually comes down to believing that God is going to do what He has promised…to care for us, His beloved children.